October 24, 2016--Week 66
I keep forgetting to tell you all,
but the people here in Brazil think I look like the singer Adele..... I have
never gotten that comment in all my life! hahaha! She´s got a pretty face, so I’ll take it as a
complement. (: I thought it was random and a bit humorous, so I had to share.
Other funny thing, this is the
second companion that has told me that I talk and yell in my sleep. Whenever I wake up I always say to my companion, Good Morning! Did you sleep well? Sister A. Smith said the other morning yeahhhh
I slept good but I woke up to you yelling in your sleep and the last word I
heard you yell was “Maria”....(background story) when we knock/clap at doors
and no one comes, its like a joke so I just yell a name (which usually is
Maria) in hopes that someone will come and tell us that Maria doesn’t live here,
and then we can start talking to them.
Sister A. Smith thinks it’s so funny that I do this. So one time she yelled “Maira” and this girl
came to the door and her name was Maria! It was a funny, awkward moment. Maria is the most popular Brazilian
name. ANYWAY, I guess I don’t just yell “Maria”
at people’s door, but I yell it in my sleep too! haha
Another hilarious moment that
happened yesterday that I am just DYING to share. Yesterday was our zone
meeting and my companion Sister A. Smith was asked to give the closing prayer. Sister A. Smith talks a little quiet and she
said a word during the prayer and the ending sounded like amen, and so one of
the elders, yells AMEN!!! And everyone hears him say amen and half of us said
amen and the other half were confused and looked up at Sister A. Smith. She was still praying and opened her eyes a
little and looked around like she was thinking “ummmm, I didn’t finish my
prayer yet,” this is awkward. So she
continued praying and hurried and finished the prayer. Then our entire zone busted out laughing, so
hard they started CRYING!!! It was sooo
funny!! Sister A. Smith laughed too (:
Not much happened this week, but
that is just the way it goes sometimes.
We did find some less active members and taught them several lessons. You gotta look at the everyday miracles
people, there are tons of them!! But I
had the wonderful opportunity to talk in sacrament meeting and I’m at the point
that I don’t get nervous until about 5 minutes before I speak! So, I already
gave a talk/training session for my zone a month ago on charity so I didn’t
have to write a talk. So, I got up there and was reading my talk and it wasn’t
going very well, then I shared an experience about when the pictures on my
camera got erased, and for the first time in my life, I reacted in the way the
Savior would react, and then I just started sharing my feelings. The spirit took over and I don’t remember
exactly what I said, but I started talking about Christ and how during his
whole life, people persecuted him and betrayed him, but he reacted withe love
and patience. I talked about how we can
react to our challenges and be like him and try to become better. I shared the
quote from Elder Holland: “we get credit for trying! God blesses those that
have the desire, and try to keep the commandments!” I literally felt like an instrument in the Lord’s
hands when I was up there speaking. It
was super special, my Portuguese isn’t perfect, but God uses the imperfect, the
weak and simple to do his work. I’m so
grateful I have the opportunity to be a part of it. Then, after my talk, some people said it was an
answer to their prayers. It was a very special
The church is true and the book is
so blue, and has exaltation written all over it!!!!
- Sister Smith