Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 58

Be Optimistic!
Week 58-- August 29, 2016

Every week there’s always a new adventure out here! Haha  This week was funny!  Okay, so I had been talking to my friend Elder Banz (assistant to the Pres.) this entire week about how I’d travel to Anapolis to do splits with 2 companionships of sisters.  I’d be there for 3 days.  There were some complications with money because some sisters didn’t have any so I used a lot of my personal money.  The mission will pay me back (dad, that’s why I took out money, and to buy shoes I needed, and lotion, my face is dry and I’m getting wrinkles fast out here.)  Anyway, So I get to Anaplois (80 min. bus ride) and I’m with a sister and we’re working and then we get home and a member comes over with a note and pizza and the note says, “Sister Smith, Elder Banz forgot that you have a meeting with all the leaders and President Buhrer tomorrow at 9 am.  Be at the bus station at 6:20pm.  From, The Zone leaders of Anapolis.”  I’m like WHAT??  Oh, and the sister that I was with didn’t have a phone because she was assaulted this transfer and had it stolen.  The sister said there was no way for us to make it there on time to Goiania for my meeting.   To make things worse, we didn’t have a phone to call anyone tell them!  So the whole time I am praying that everything will work out for me to make it back to Goiania for the meeting the next morning.  Once again my friends, miracles happen, I don’t know how, but we made it there and it was a miracle! Haha  Everyone was joking because whenever we have a meeting, something always happens with me.  Its like the adversary doesn’t want me to be at the meetings!! haha  

The meeting with President Buhrer was AMAZING.  Pres. it just the coolest guy ever.  He said so much stuff that helped me and motivated me, I could go on for days.  I will tell you a little.  President said missionaries have a problem with not being excited after an investigator turns them down or doesn’t want to get baptized or doesn’t go to church.  He said, brush it off and find someone else to teach.  Don’t waste your time teaching people that wont progress and don't be afraid to stop visiting them and find someone else to teach.  He said to be optimistic, make a joke about it, laugh and brush it off.  He said, do you think Heavenly Father is optimistic?  Do you think he sits there crying all day when one of his children doesn’t do something right or rejects the gospel?  No, he looks at the positive side and says, at least these children will have the opportunity to come back and live with me.  He looks at the bright side, always.  He looks at the good things about each one of us when we are all so imperfect and unworthy of his love.  God is happy and he´s an optimist.  We´d be a lot better off if we followed his example.  AHHHH he is so awesome!!

Last week I gave a training lesson to our zone on how we can become better instruments in the Lords hands, and how we can have the spirit with us 24-7.  I talked about sanctifying yourself.  If you are thinking about your girlfriend all day, fighting with your companion, or talking bad about your leaders, to stop and repent, do it fast and try to become better.  When our focus is 100% on the Lord and his work, that’s when we have the spirit with us.  That is when we talk with the voice of angels, that’s when we find Gods elects, that´s when people become converted to the gospel.  It went super good!  I challenged all the missionaries to do it!! (:

I forgot to tell you, I saw Maura the other week!  She will be getting sealed in the temple with Joao and Stephaney in July!!  She wants me there!!  I told her I’d try! AHHHH  I am so happy that they are progressing so fast!! 

I love you all!  Thanks for all your prayers, I can feel them out here!  Have a great week!!

-Sister Smith

This is our cute green house behind a members house (: 

 Look at this tree in front of our house. (: Cute house next to ours!! 

WE GOT BIKES!!! ....Just kidding!  
They are our neighbors bikes!!  
Hey look!  We can wear sunglasses now! 
I am soo happy because my eyes are always burning because of the hot sun.  

 Our new shoes...can you guess my favorite color out here on the mission??

 My adorable companion right now talking to her fam bam!! Love her!!

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